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Your Voice Matters in Conversations About Inequality
Share your experience with racism or classism at an upcoming event
Donate any amount to support our mission
We can't promote harmony and justice by ourselves - we need help from generous donors to make our vision a reality. Your one-time or recurring donation could help us host a groundbreaking event in your area.
Thank you in advance for your support.
We Need to Talk About Race in America
Join the conversation about inequality in your community
Although America is described as a melting pot, many communities remain divided by class and race. 10-4 Corporation strives to bring divided societies together by addressing injustice and promoting reconciliation.
We host a variety of events to encourage conversations between citizens and...
- Business owners
- Church leaders
- School boards
- Police officers
- Politicians
Many attendees leave with a greater understanding of race relations in their communities, as well as action items to start addressing inequality. Contact us today to learn about our community programs.